Holy Guacamole!
I have this class called performance conditioning, in that class we spend some time talking about nutrition. Nothing about intense dieting, but just about knowing what is going into your body. This is important because for actors, the body is the instrument. But it is hard because as college students we eat nothing that we have to spend more than five dollars on. Mostly, because we don't have more than five dollars. My performance conditioning teacher gave us a nice tip for groceries in the city. Go to a farmers market he said, you can get good, fresh food there for really cheap. But don't go in the morning when they first set up, go in the late afternoon when they are getting ready to leave. The reason you go at the end of the day is because they are more likely to give you things for cheaper because they would rather sell it for a dollar than pack it up because it is not as fresh the next day. I tried this and I got tons of fresh produce for really cheap. This tip real...