
Showing posts from October, 2018


NYPLPA: New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Isn't that amazing!? They have a whole library for the performing arts! I have started this new class called Research Project: The Great Composers of Broadway. It is held on Tuesdays for 2 hours and then Saturdays for 7 hours. Yes, 7 hours for one class, on a Saturday. But, it's okay because I really love the class. We were each assigned a composer who was significant to making Broadway what it is today to research. I was assigned the great Richard Rodgers. I have loved every second of learning about this incredible artist and his lifetime of inspiring work. Now for where the library fits in. Due to the homework in this class and the in-depth research it entails, a library card was absolutely necessary. It was cool and exciting to get a New York Public Library card, I don't really know why, but it was. As cool as getting the library card was visiting the NYPLPA was even cooler. I mean a whole library dedi...


I  am so sorry that I have been absent for the last little while. I really owe you all quite an update. School has been super duper busy! This was because recently it was time for midterms. It was a stressful time if I ever knew one. I had some kind of final performance in every single one of my classes. It was a big deal to me because this was my first grade I was going to receive at school here. The way my school works is that you can't check up on your grades at just anytime. You can only view your grades twice a semester; midterms, and finals. Also, it is helpful to know that all grades start at average; or C. The idea is that by the finals you will hopefully reach mastery; or A. So your midterm is your way to see how your teachers are feeling about where you are on the path to mastery. The midterms grades don't go on your final transcript, which is nice, so it lessens the pressure a little. But me, being the kind of student I am, I was still stressed about impressin...